Supporting Compensation Claims Using Orthopedic Evaluations

Insurance and compensation claims usually require an independent medical professional to provide a report that corroborates or dismisses the claims. Attorneys and insurance adjusters rely on independent medical evaluation reports to determine the veracity of personal injuries and workers' compensation claims. For example, people often suffer injuries following accidents, some of which are classified as musculoskeletal injuries. Attorneys rely on independent orthopedic evaluations to determine the extent of the musculoskeletal injuries and the expected recovery period. At the same time, insurance adjusters use the evaluation report to gauge how much compensation is fair given the circumstances. Below are ways in which independent orthopedic evaluations determine if a party is entitled to compensation.

They Are a Form of Expert Testimony

The first reason why independent medical evaluations are vital is their evidential weight. Typically, expert witnesses offer valuable testimony because of their advanced knowledge in the matter of interest. Independent orthopedic evaluations are important in personal injury claims and workers' compensation claims because they confirm or refute the claimants' suffered injuries. Orthopedic practitioners have a unique understanding of compression fractures, broken bones, dislocations, stress fractures, and tendon injuries. Thus, they are qualified to testify on the type and extent of a victim's injuries. Overall, testimonies contained in independent orthopedic evaluations are enough to shift the court's findings, ascertaining their significance.

They Provide a Guideline for Determining the Compensation Amount

Determining the fair compensatory amount in personal injury claims and workers' compensation claims can be difficult. Courts, attorneys, and insurance adjusters rely on help from experts to determine whether a claim is valid and how much it is worth. The compensation amount usually varies depending on the severity of the injury. Independent orthopedic evaluations contain a detailed account of the plaintiff's medical history, the extent of the injury suffered, the type of injury, and an evaluation of the treatment procedures used. If the findings in the independent orthopedic evaluations report tally with the plaintiff's claims, they are entitled to the compensatory amount they claim. Orthopedists have advanced knowledge of tissue, bone, and muscle injuries, allowing them to offer a fair, reliable, and accurate assessment of the plaintiff's injuries. 

They Can Be Used to Establish Causation

Personal injury claims require the plaintiff to show that the damage or injury suffered directly affects the defendant's actions. Employees in workers' compensation claims must also demonstrate that their injuries or illnesses are work-related. Independent orthopedic evaluations offer a detailed account of the cause of an injury and the patient's medical history. From a patient's medical history, attorneys and insurance adjusters can determine whether an injury results from the defendant's negligence or if it is a pre-existing injury, providing grounds for compensation.
